Fun Outdoor Activities to Enjoy Before the Snow Melts

It seems we are passed the bitter cold temperatures that are known to plague Fairbanks in the winter and although the temperature will drop again before winter is officially over (it likes to tease), we will most certainly be enjoying warmer winter temperatures for most of it. Along with warmer temps we are also enjoying more and more hours of sunlight each day. Now is when cabin fever is known to strike. We no longer want to be cooped up indoors, we want to go out and have some fun!  Here are some great winter activities you can enjoy outdoors before the snow is gone for good.

winter hiking

Winter Hikes or Walks. Bundle up and get some fresh air on the trails of Creamer’s Field, head up to the trails around the University of Alaska Fairbanks (trailheads can be found off of Sheep Creek Road and Farmer’s Loop Road), or for a longer trip you can even head out to the Chena River Recreational Trails off of Chena Hot Springs Road (see their official website here for more information). Or just take a jaunt around your neighborhood. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, it’s a great time to get out there and enjoy the scenery!


Into winter sports? You can cross-country ski or downhill ski without going too far. Birch Hill Recreation Area offers maintained cross-country ski trails. Downhill skiing or snowboarding more your thing? Mount Aurora Skiland is only a 20-mile drive from town, just past Cleary Summit off of the Steese Highway. See their website with directions here. Moose Mountain is another option, just 16 miles in the opposite direction off of Murphy Dome Road.

ice skating

Ice Skating is always a good time! Dress warm and gather your friends or family for some good old-fashioned ice time at the outdoor ice rink at The Big Dipper Ice Arena. The outdoor rink is free to use and it is maintained by the Big Dipper. Bring some hot cocoa in a thermos and make an afternoon of it.


Sledding. There are plenty of places around town to take the sleds for a few hours (or a day!) of fun. The elementary schools around town have sledding hills for their students which can be used by the public after school hours. These are great for small kids who can’t yet handle a really big snow hill. A little more advanced? Try the designated sledding hill at UAF next to the student recreation center and the ice climbing wall. The hill there is very steep and very tall – make sure to follow the rules and stay safe!

ice park 2         ice park

Visit the Ice Park. Each year, competitive ice-carvers come from all over the world to compete in the World Ice Art Championships. For you, that means that there is another fun thing to do in Fairbanks for the month of March! The Ice Park, open until March 29th this year, offers spectacular ice carvings to see as well as a Kid’s Park – a playground made entirely out of ice. Mazes, slides, carvings to climb on, and more!  See their website at for admission prices and information.

pioneer park winter

Pioneer Park. Sure, the shops aren’t open yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had at Pioneer Park. It’s a great place to take kids to let them run around, play on the playground and burn off some steam. It even gets you out, stretching your winter legs and enjoying some fresh air!

Fairbanks also has a lot of other winter festivals and activities and fun for the whole family! Check out the Winter Guide from Explore Fairbanks to see more upcoming activities and learn more about wintertime in our community.

Have other fun winter activities? What do YOU do to keep cabin fever at bay? Let us know in the comments below.

Enjoy what’s left of winter!

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