Tag Archives: fairbanks winter

Fun Outdoor Activities to Enjoy Before the Snow Melts

It seems we are passed the bitter cold temperatures that are known to plague Fairbanks in the winter and although the temperature will drop again before winter is officially over (it likes to tease), we will most certainly be enjoying warmer winter temperatures for most of it. Along with warmer temps we are also enjoying more and more hours of sunlight each day. Now is when cabin fever is known to strike. We no longer want to be cooped up indoors, we want to go out and have some fun!  Here are some great winter activities you can enjoy outdoors before the snow is gone for good.

winter hiking

Winter Hikes or Walks. Bundle up and get some fresh air on the trails of Creamer’s Field, head up to the trails around the University of Alaska Fairbanks (trailheads can be found off of Sheep Creek Road and Farmer’s Loop Road), or for a longer trip you can even head out to the Chena River Recreational Trails off of Chena Hot Springs Road (see their official website here for more information). Or just take a jaunt around your neighborhood. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, it’s a great time to get out there and enjoy the scenery!


Into winter sports? You can cross-country ski or downhill ski without going too far. Birch Hill Recreation Area offers maintained cross-country ski trails. Downhill skiing or snowboarding more your thing? Mount Aurora Skiland is only a 20-mile drive from town, just past Cleary Summit off of the Steese Highway. See their website with directions here. Moose Mountain is another option, just 16 miles in the opposite direction off of Murphy Dome Road.

ice skating

Ice Skating is always a good time! Dress warm and gather your friends or family for some good old-fashioned ice time at the outdoor ice rink at The Big Dipper Ice Arena. The outdoor rink is free to use and it is maintained by the Big Dipper. Bring some hot cocoa in a thermos and make an afternoon of it.


Sledding. There are plenty of places around town to take the sleds for a few hours (or a day!) of fun. The elementary schools around town have sledding hills for their students which can be used by the public after school hours. These are great for small kids who can’t yet handle a really big snow hill. A little more advanced? Try the designated sledding hill at UAF next to the student recreation center and the ice climbing wall. The hill there is very steep and very tall – make sure to follow the rules and stay safe!

ice park 2         ice park

Visit the Ice Park. Each year, competitive ice-carvers come from all over the world to compete in the World Ice Art Championships. For you, that means that there is another fun thing to do in Fairbanks for the month of March! The Ice Park, open until March 29th this year, offers spectacular ice carvings to see as well as a Kid’s Park – a playground made entirely out of ice. Mazes, slides, carvings to climb on, and more!  See their website at www.icealaska.com for admission prices and information.

pioneer park winter

Pioneer Park. Sure, the shops aren’t open yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had at Pioneer Park. It’s a great place to take kids to let them run around, play on the playground and burn off some steam. It even gets you out, stretching your winter legs and enjoying some fresh air!

Fairbanks also has a lot of other winter festivals and activities and fun for the whole family! Check out the Winter Guide from Explore Fairbanks to see more upcoming activities and learn more about wintertime in our community.

Have other fun winter activities? What do YOU do to keep cabin fever at bay? Let us know in the comments below.

Enjoy what’s left of winter!

4 Helpful Tips About Filming a Commercial Outside in the Wintertime

Last Friday morning Scott and I met up with a local camera crew at the home we have listed for sale at 1390 Pickering Drive (you can see this beautiful home here) to film a commercial for his real estate business. It was a brisk, cool morning outside with the temperatures hovering around zero. Perfect for filming a commercial, though, right?

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This house was a perfect location. Beautiful views off of the balcony, a gorgeous front entrance, a nice, open kitchen and a friendly crew from KTVF Channel 11. What a way to start a Friday!


So just a few things you should know about filming a commercial outside in the winter. In case you ever need to do such a thing.

1. It’s cold. Granted, we should be much colder right now (it’s not unheard of to have -30 or -40 degree weather at this time of the year) but zero degrees, or just above, is COLD. Have coffee, tea or hot cocoa to warm you up from the inside. And bundle up. Unlike Scott who never, ever wears a coat, as you can see in all of these pictures. And no, he didn’t just take it off for filming. He literally never wears one no matter how cold it is outside.


2.  Find an eye-catching place to shoot. And a great view off of the balcony isn’t a bad idea either. A big Thank You! to the owners of 1390 Pickering Drive for letting us film at their home Friday morning. The view of the freshly-risen sun was gorgeous. Check out my panorama.


3. A great film crew is a must. Kristy and Tyson from KTVF Channel 11 were a blast to work with. Everyone was upbeat and in good spirits which made it easier to ignore the freezing cold we were standing in for most of the morning. You can’t complain about the cold when you’re having a good time!


4. Even though it’s cold, you’re going to have to say your lines over and over and with the same level of enthusiasm each time. Okay, so I had one line and I got to say it from the warmth of the kitchen. I can’t really complain about filming in the cold temperatures so I’m speaking vicariously from Scott’s point of view. All of his segments were filmed outside.

For each part that’s filmed they had to make sure that the lighting was right, the angle was right, the movement was right, and that they got the best shot of the house and/or view, so they ran through it making sure that everything looked good before he even started filming his lines. Then he talked to the camera in a casual, relaxed, I’m-not-freezing-even-though-I’m-not-wearing-a-coat-and-it’s-zero-degrees, manner. And he did great!

IMG_3122  So if you ever need to film a commercial outside in the winter time, remember these helpful tips. And look for Scott’s commercial to air on KTVF Channel 11 in Fairbanks and the surrounding area beginning Friday, February 27th!



Why NOW is the Best Time to List Your Home for Sale

frozen mailbox

Thinking about selling your home but are waiting for spring before listing? Stop and seriously consider listing your home now instead.

But you say: it’s February. It’s cold outside. Is anyone really looking at buying a home right now?

The answer is YES! More people than you’d think!

Most people think that the spring time is the best time to list their home. But here’s a secret: those people that know they are going to buy a home this summer are looking at the homes in your area NOW. If they know they are buying a home this summer, they’re excited! They want to know what’s on the market right now. And if you are serious about selling, they should be seeing your home.

If you wait until spring officially hits, as a seller you’ll be facing stiffer competition because everyone who wants to sell their home in the spring will be listing their home for sale then too. Listing your home now is like the pre-game show. Sure, people will tune in for the game. But those that are really serious about it are already looking.

Need some ideas on how to get your home to sell quickly once it is on the market? Check out our post How to Spruce Up Your Home for a Quick Sale.

Ready to list? Let us help you sell your home. Call Scott Rosenthal’s office today! (907) 452-6387


What To Do In Winter When It’s Too Cold To Do Anything

downtown winter

Fairbanks is known for its cold winters with temperatures that can drop down to a nippy fifty below zero or colder. This winter we have all been pleasantly surprised with our balmy, mild winter – up until New Years Day, that is. Like a switch had been flipped, the new year brought in those below zero temperatures we had all known were coming.

I figured now was the best time to post this, seeing as how we’re smack in the middle of it. This morning it was -30° F according to my truck. As I write this it has warmed up to a blustery -26° F. As cold as it is, though, no one likes to be cooped up inside. So what are we to do on these cold winter days? Check out the list below for some ideas when your restless self just doesn’t want to stay home.

        • Go Ice Skating. Both the Big Dipper ice area and the Patty Center up at the University offer indoor ice skating with skate rentals. You’ll still feel winter-ish, but in a much warmer environment. Check their websites for public skate times.
        • Go Swimming. We have several indoor pools in Fairbanks and North Pole that offer open swim times that will help you and/or the kids burn off energy and rid yourself of the cabin fever that tries to creep in when the temperatures drop. Click here for a link to our local swimming pools.
        • Hit the gym. The freezing cold can make us all want to hide inside, curled up on the couch under a warm blanket. But think of it as a great excuse to hit the gym and get in a workout. We have a number of gyms and facilities in town, and The Alaska Club even offers child care and has activities for older kids to enjoy while mom and dad get in some much needed exercise.
      • Go to the Library. Check out what the Noel Wien Public Library has to offer, check out a book for some winter reading or take the kids to one of the many activities offered in the Berry Room.
  • Warm up by the fire at Barnes & Noble. Along the same lines as the library, at Barnes and Noble you can grab a coffee or tea (or a tasty treat), and read a book in one of the overstuffed chairs nestled around the circular fireplace that is burning from open to close (9 am-11pm).
  • Go see a movie. Catch a new release at Regal Cinemas 16 on Airport Way. Or head out to The Blue Loon at 2999 Parks Highway for dinner and a movie at the theater/club situated just a few short miles from town. Regal Cinemas 16 showtimes can be found on Fandango. Go to The Blue Loon’s website here for their movies and showtimes.
  • Go out to Chena Hot Springs. This requires a little more time and planning, but if you have an afternoon to kill it’s definitely not a bad idea. Chena Hot Springs is especially more exciting when the temperatures are negative – the sky is more clear, the stars are brighter and the water feels much warmer. It’s a great way to relax while still enjoying the frigid Alaska winter.

 Just because it is cold doesn’t mean you have to stay home and hibernate. It might be too cold to spend extended periods of time outside but there are lots of things you can do around town to keep your spirits up.

What do you like to do when the temperatures drop?